About Us
Digit PIM is an AI driven Hi-Tech company, serve industries with big-data nanalysis and AI technologies, customers from construction contractor, factory operator and owner.
What We Do.
we serve industries with big-data nanalysis and AI technologies, customers from construction contractor, factory operator and owner.
Data Modeling
Help customer to dig into their data of project history, current system and poweron the data.
Adopt customer good points and avoid the shortcomings.
Establish AI-Based solution for customer, rapid improvement for the performance of work.
AI Training / Fine-tuning
We are group of specialist for the industries and AI technologies.
See Our Featured Projects.
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Get In Touch
Have an idea or an epic project in mind? Talk to us. Let's work together and make something great. Drop us a line at hello@digitpim.com.
Where to Find Us
301-B2, ParkHill
888 XIANXIA Road, Shanghai
94043 CHINA